Approach Course (Preview)

What is a “Hitting Approach”?

Your approach is the game plan that you take into each pitch of every at-bat. 

The hitting approach is unique to each hitter and should be responsive to each game situation. So the game plan may vary slightly from pitch to pitch and at-bat to at-bat. 

Developing your own approach requires that you do some exploration and fact-finding. For this reason, the Approach Course is going to be different than the rest of the courses in Hitting Made Simple. This course is made up mostly of questions. We will provide you with some ideas that have worked for others in certain situations, but ultimately, your answers to the questions in the course are what will lead you to develop your own best plan of attack.

Improving your approach will help you…

  • Get a clearer picture of yourself as a hitter
  • Improve nearly all other hitting elements, including your mechanics
  • Increase your percentage of productive at-bats
  • Become a more complete hitter
  • Map out a path to future success
Approach Course

Course Includes

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